Khan Bank 1 Year Term Deposit
Type | Fixed |
Rate | 12.8% |
Currency | MNT |
The rate for this product with the MNT currency for a term of 365 days with a minimum balance of 20 000 and penalty interest of 4%. To open this account Mongolians require a passport or personal ID and a completed application form. Foreigners to open this account may require a foreign passport, resident permit and completed of account application form.
The rate of 12.8% is 12.8% higher than the average 0%. Also it is -12.8 % lower than the highest rate Updated Aug, 2019
The rate for this product with the MNT currency for a term of 365 days with a minimum balance of 20 000 and penalty interest of 4%. To open this account Mongolians require a passport or personal ID and a completed application form. Foreigners to open this account may require a foreign passport, resident permit and completed of account application form.
The rate of 12.8% is 12.8% higher than the average 0%. Also it is -12.8 % lower than the highest rate Updated Aug, 2019
Q: I am Malaysian, I would like make enquiry below : 1. Can Malaysian open term deposit account in Mohgolia? 2. What is the requirement ? 3. What is the latest term deposit rate which applicable to Malaysia? 4. Is there any capital tax involved? Thanks
Q: Hello if I deposit $100.000 Australian dollars into your bank account what saving interest rate would I receive in that year what penalties would I encounter if I took out after a year would I get better interest accumulated in two years would it be better if I deposited for5 year and what would the return on that amount of Monie would I receive looking forward to hear back cheers
Q: How does a U.S. citizen living in the United States arrange to deposit $1,000 in a Khan Bank 1 year term deposit, yielding 15.10%?
R: 15.10% is for MNT (Mongolian local currency). For USD, 1year deposit gives 6% interest. For foreigners, capital gain tax is 20%.
R: Hi Brien, You will not get 15.10% on USD, that rate is for tugrug (local currency). The USD rate is 2.4%.